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FLOR The Future. Beautiful Rugs Made With Planet Positive Style

At FLOR, our rugs are designed with the Earth in mind. Our innovative planet positive practices go beyond doing less harm, and actively benefit our environment. Learn how we live Earth Day every day and show us how you act #FLORtheFuture on social.
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Calculating Our Impact

We’ve calculated how much carbon it takes to create our rugs so you can see your contribution to reducing global warming.
Live Zero Icon


carpet tiles recycled in 2021

Recycle Icon


on average recycled content in most carpet tiles

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of electricity used in our manufacturing site is from renewable sources

Carbon Negative Icon

Go Carbon Negative

Rugs with this symbol are carbon negative, meaning they draw more carbon from the atmosphere than is released to make them. The carbon negative materials in our CQuest™BioX backing, in combination with ECONYL® yarn, and our tufting processes, result in carbon negative rugs.

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Rug Backings That Give Back

All of our rug backings are, at minimum, carbon neutral. But now, we offer three new backings that are designed to move beyond carbon neutral and toward a carbon negative future.
Econyl® Logo

FLOR partners with Aquafil, who recycles used nylon into beautiful yarns for our area rugs. Aquafil’s regenerated ECONYL® nylon is the same as brand-new nylon but doesn’t utilize new resources.

CQuest Diagram


This backing is made of post-consumer carpet tiles, bio-based elements, and pre-consumer recycled materials that are net carbon negative.


This non-vinyl backing is made with biopolymers, plus bio based and recycled fillers that are net carbon negative.


Our most sustainable backing, this has the same material makeup as Interface’s CQuestBio with a higher concentration of carbon negative materials.

Responsible IconProducts with this symbol are made with CQuest™ .

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When you choose FLOR, you’re helping reimagine new avenues for a more eco-friendly future. Between responsibly sourced materials, manufacturing powered by renewable energy, and carbon negative rug backing technology, FLOR’s environmentally-friendly rugs look beautiful in your home while being safe for the Earth.
That’s why we’ve teamed up with our parent company, Interface, to make a positive impact on the environment with four sustainability initiatives: Live Zero, A Natural Fit, Create with Carbon, and Act for the Future.
Dark photo of ferns
Live Zero icon

Live Zero

We set a goal to have no negative impact on the Earth by 2020 – and we declared success one year early in 2019. At FLOR, we aim to do business in ways that give back whatever is taken from the Earth. We’ve worked hard to make sure all of our carpet tiles are manufactured with renewable energy, and recyclable too. Through our Return & Recycle program, we keep millions of pounds of carpet out of landfills each year.

Recycle Your Rug
Aerial view of green trees in a forest.
A Natural Fit Icon

A Natural Fit

Nature is our muse at FLOR, and not just for our Earth-inspired rugs. Nature has the power to self-regulate the climate, and we want to do the same. That’s why we’re exploring ways to run our factories more like ecosystems. Our pilot program, Factory as a Forest, aims to go beyond doing less harm, and start actively benefiting our planet.

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Close view of blue FLOR tiles
Create with Carbon Icon

Create with Carbon

We are actively using and exploring raw materials that use plant-derived carbon or sequester carbon to make our products. Guided by materials science, we’ve added new thinking and innovative materials to develop backings with a negative carbon footprint.

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Detail shot of It's Snow Problem shown in Bone
Act for the Future Icon

Act for the Future

As we think about tomorrow, today, we know business cannot be conducted as usual. We’re constantly reinventing our business models to make a positive impact. By using Aquafil’s ECONYL® regenerated nylon, made from nearly all recycled waste, like fishing nets or textile scraps, we work towards lowering the environmental impact of brand new nylon that uses new resources. This supports our sustainability goals to source recycled content for our carpet tiles.

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With Your Help, No Rug Goes to the Landfill

Open FLOR Box showing FLOR tiles and FLORdots

Send us your old carpet tiles and we will recycle them.

At FLOR we have been actively collecting and recycling post-consumer vinyl backed carpet tiles for over 15 years, and now all of our CQuest™ backed carpet tiles are 3rd party certified as recyclable by GreenCircle Certified. Since 1995, the Interface family of brands continues to keep millions of pounds of carpet out of landfills each year.

Recycle Your Rug
FLOR carpet tiles being recycled in a light blue machine.

Be Responsible

Our sustainable rugs are designed with you and the Earth in mind. Show us how you use #myFLOR to celebrate #EarthDayEveryDay.